Sunday, January 29, 2012

Giving Compliments

I believe giving Compliments is the best tool in the world. You can motivate anyone with the right compliments. When they have the distant look in their eyes, just say how pretty they are today. You will tap into their emotions like no one has that day. Pull them out of the thinking that has them distant and far away. Look how cute your shoes are, your lip stick, your shirt. Just give them a compliment of the day.

I am get lost sometimes in thought and forget how the rest of the world is doing. I may even beat myself up a bit, thinking what a rough day today is. Then someone will pass by how just how darn cute they look. I tell them in a soft yet in truly envious voice, you look so darn cute today! I feel their heart lift and spirits change, as I see this I feel my own change and feel touched that I reached out. Try it and its amazing how it will make you and them feel. Feel more confident. Come Play with us and build a new look feeling all around you. You start the ripple, its so easy.

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